Employer brand for software company Lineate

Client and task


Lineate, a software company based in New York, specializes in helping AdTech and MarTech organizations scale their technology through cloud solutions.

Lineate sought to establish a compelling employer brand for one of its divisions. The goal was to create a unique slogan and key visuals, rooted in its established Employer Value Proposition (EVP) and core values.

Research and Audit


Our approach begins with thorough research. For this project, we delved into the companys EVP, values, and target audience.

Our analysts synthesized the information about HR operations to ensure our designers and creators were well-informed without being overwhelmed by documentation.

Brand Identity and Slogan


We aimed to develop a visual identity that would appeal to dynamic, socially engaged, and growth-oriented professionals.

In collaboration with Lineate, we crafted the slogan «Freedom to Develop,» a clever play on words reflecting both personal evolution and programming skills.

This slogan encapsulates Lineates value of experimentation, suggesting that employees are encouraged to be innovative and propose unique solutions.

The slogan also aligns with the companys focus on well-being, indicating support in various life areas: physical health, professional development, and social life.

Graphic Concept


Lineates brand is open, engaging, and straightforward. Our task was to maintain this essence while making the employer brand more approachable to meet our goals.

The cornerstone of the visual identity is the line from the company logo. We used this line as a metaphor for experimentation and new perspectives.

This element allows for a versatile identity system, adaptable for various corporate needs and quick, designer-free visual messaging.

Guidebook Creation


We compiled a guidebook detailing technical rules for using and evolving the corporate visual identity and provided specifications for team photography.

Recruitment Landing Page


We developed a recruitment landing page on the low-code platform. This page, aligning with the new visual identity, informs potential employees about the company and its job opportunities.



This project yielded design layouts for various media, a comprehensive guidebook for ongoing brand management, and a recruitment landing page that enhances Lineates HR efforts by embodying the new employer brand.

Project Team

Account manager
Alla Lifanovskaya
Olga Yakushenko
Artem Nikitin
Anastasia Bazylnikova
Art Director
Pavel Konyukov
Yulia Kulikova
Art Director, web
Asha Sahakyan
Web designer
Polina Shershneva
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